\\space\\rhythms\\habiter\\living has its own grammar\\inhabiting as an art\\modes of dwelling\\place of imagination in the everyday\\referential and the fictional\\interactive elements\\you have misperceived my work until you get to know me\\experiential reality\\alternative to Stalinism\\Guy Debord\\popular culture\\traverses, the interdisciplinary journal of the Centre Pompidou\\Ben Highmore, everyday life and cultural theory intractable matter of the everyday\\mundane social life\\being ordinary\\nomadic displacement\\spheresContinue reading “DISCONTINUOS MANY-FESTOS\\from an unrepentant&dissident artist\\to a continuos apathetic field of art”
Tag Archives: Rodrigo Ghattas
TRACING YELLOW | the spectrum of togetherness
Tracing yellow is a series of three experimental, small-scale and participatory art projects developed in the city of Oslo. The projects attempt to chase and explore the color «yellow» as a symbolic sphere of togetherness from a perspective of cultural-specificity. I am especially interested in how we use our bodies to interact with strangers acrossContinue reading “TRACING YELLOW | the spectrum of togetherness”
TRACING YELLOW | i believe in the click
I Believe in the Click – a diary of daily encounters Artist Book | Tracing Yellow Series #1related: https://khio.no/en/about/news/rodrigo-ghattas-i-believe-in-the-click