The School of Creative Self

  The School of Creative Self Learn More It’s a Coaching Program by artist Rodrigo Ghattas You don’t need to be an artist to unlock your full creative potential! We all have an all-powerful creative force living within us. Find your Creative Self and expand the vision of your world. You are unique!

‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta

please use arrows for image slider El Buen Vivirâ at Hvervenbukta   by Rodrigo Ghattas & Andrea Fritsvold 12-18 July 2021 Organized by Vibeke Frost Andersen   The title of our one-week biopolitical intervention in Oslo Kommune’s pavilion at Hvervenbukta Beach (in Holmlia neighborhood) is Slutten på velferdsstaten nærmer seg…er vi klare for ‘El BuenContinue reading “‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta”


HISTORY   Verdensrommet was founded in March 2020, being a pandemic-native initiative, to address the precarious conditions of Norway-based visual artists whose citizenship led them to slip through the state’s support net. Later, this was expanded to include all creative professionals of non-EU/EEA backgrounds sharing similar experiences.   For the past one and half years,Continue reading “VERDENSROMMET | history”

CARE DAY | Ecology of Care

please use arrows for image slider Care Day is a continuation of an intimate practice-based research started as a part of Culture for Solidarity in June 2020 by Ecology of Care (Sofia Cartuccia, Djuro Grdinic, Lina Issa and myself). Back then, we built a collective methodology that now serves as a ground for further exploration on current social urgenciesContinue reading “CARE DAY | Ecology of Care”

CIVIL IMPOTENCE & ART | on Peru’s new political turmoil

written by Rodrigo Ghattas-Pérez I must start this writing by acknowledging, and helplessly admitting a cynical and adventurous blend [for the purpose of this writing] of the political views of five of my must-read authors: Peruvian intellectual, essayist and poet Sebastián Salazar Bondy; Canadian writer and activist AK Thompson; French novelist, pro-revolt, and political activistContinue reading “CIVIL IMPOTENCE & ART | on Peru’s new political turmoil”

READING TIME | inaction? thinking the world theoretically

Based on Chantal Mouffe book Agonistics, Thinking the World Politically, 2013   Left or right, neo-liberal, liberal, democrat, capitalist, totalitarian, etc.; we seem to carry a bag full of concepts and definitions to refer to the different political and economic models in a society. We spend a lot of time of our lives talking toContinue reading “READING TIME | inaction? thinking the world theoretically”

READING TIME | is private space disappearing?

Based on Slavoj Žižek´s book Event : A Philosophical Journey Through a Concept, 2014 (…)Then, by direct consequence, my individuality is also disappearing. Thus, if that happens it means that public space will become a private space. The privatization of public space would mark the start of a gargoyle relationship between humans…That is just ourContinue reading “READING TIME | is private space disappearing?”

READING TIME | between the black box and the white cube

Based on Andrew V. Uroskie’s book Between the Black Box and the White Cube, 2014 Introduction – From Medium to SiteThe expanded cinema is an outlet, a vertex of infinite possibilities that allowed the artist to shed the unilateral relationship between what was shown on the screen and the passive experience of the audience. SheddingContinue reading “READING TIME | between the black box and the white cube”


“Kunsthall Trondheim, Kulturtanken and Den Kulturelle Skolesekken in Trondheim invite artists to create an art project for children and young people, developed over a specific period of time at Kunsthall Trondheim. The Cultural Schoolbag ensures that children and young people throughout the country get to experience art. Here, visual art is underrepresented and it is importantContinue reading “KUNSTHALL TRONDHEIM | DKS testlab”

READING TIME | what could be more invisible?

Sometimes I walk through the city, usually in a rather indiscreet and somewhat clumsy way. Sometimes I just walk and my memory stops working. Other days, other days I appreciate that Oslo does not have as many historical monuments as all the ones I can find in Lima, in every single square of the city.Continue reading “READING TIME | what could be more invisible?”

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