READING TIME | here we come and we don’t care mucho

Here we come and we don’t care mucho, it seems to be a good phrase to describe the internal force that drives the society in which we live nowadays; every time I get on the bus, walking the streets or a good song randomly plays from my Spotify playlist, I force myself to take aContinue reading “READING TIME | here we come and we don’t care mucho”

READING TIME | is private space disappearing?

Based on Slavoj Žižek´s book Event : A Philosophical Journey Through a Concept, 2014 (…)Then, by direct consequence, my individuality is also disappearing. Thus, if that happens it means that public space will become a private space. The privatization of public space would mark the start of a gargoyle relationship between humans…That is just ourContinue reading “READING TIME | is private space disappearing?”

READING TIME | future gravity

a half-sketched drawing about to fall off the wall, gravity always wins a Swede with airs of grandeur hangs flags of all the countries where he has lived he tells me to pee in the woods and I only see fake plastic trees surrounding his Japanesestyle house many books, lots of mind, lots of karmaContinue reading “READING TIME | future gravity”

READING TIME | tracing yellow

Sometimes I like to be in motion, to be transported, to walk, to listen most of the time to my own steps- but what I like most is to lose myself in the city and into my thoughts. It is a way to be aware of myself in my everyday life. It shows me thatContinue reading “READING TIME | tracing yellow”

READING TIME | affairs of the self

The pursuit of natural knowledge, the investigation of the world – mental and material – in which we live, is not a dull and spiritless affair: rather is it a voyage of adventure of the human mind, a holiday for reckless and imaginative souls – Archibald Hill. We all have a very peculiar and personalContinue reading “READING TIME | affairs of the self”

READING TIME | letter to ‘Imaginary Leaps into a Decanonized Future’ organizers (OCA)

Dear OCA team, A few days have passed since last time we saw each other; dear Nik, thank you for synchronizing your well-formed vertical laying for hours, so I could surf a tsunami of knowledge from the comfiness of my seat. Dear Katya, thank you, your heated words dried the coldness of the morning rainy-sheetContinue reading “READING TIME | letter to ‘Imaginary Leaps into a Decanonized Future’ organizers (OCA)”

READING TIME | on metahuman-like wanders

A few days ago, my mind was trying to split the worriedness in three – like that’s even possible, – about my loved ones and ‘other’ bodies I care for in places that I’d call home(s); Lima, Bethlehem, and Oslo. Without a real chance to escape, I then involuntarily embarked on a metahuman-like wander, aContinue reading “READING TIME | on metahuman-like wanders”

DISCONTINUOS MANY-FESTOS\\from an unrepentant&dissident artist\\to a continuos apathetic field of art

\\space\\rhythms\\habiter\\living has its own grammar\\inhabiting as an art\\modes of dwelling\\place of imagination in the everyday\\referential and the fictional\\interactive elements\\you have misperceived my work until you get to know me\\experiential reality\\alternative to Stalinism\\Guy Debord\\popular culture\\traverses, the interdisciplinary journal of the Centre Pompidou\\Ben Highmore, everyday life and cultural theory intractable matter of the everyday\\mundane social life\\being ordinary\\nomadic displacement\\spheresContinue reading “DISCONTINUOS MANY-FESTOS\\from an unrepentant&dissident artist\\to a continuos apathetic field of art”

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