‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta

please use arrows for image slider El Buen Vivirâ at Hvervenbukta   by Rodrigo Ghattas & Andrea Fritsvold 12-18 July 2021 Organized by Vibeke Frost Andersen   The title of our one-week biopolitical intervention in Oslo Kommune’s pavilion at Hvervenbukta Beach (in Holmlia neighborhood) is Slutten på velferdsstaten nærmer seg…er vi klare for ‘El BuenContinue reading “‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta”

TRACING YELLOW | The Swing & The Bench

The Swing & The Bench is an art intervention, more precisely, a documentation event. A final experiential setting to revisit, one-on-one, three projects (the Tracing Yellow series) previously developed in the city of Oslo. The audience attending the MFA Grad Show at KHiO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) in 2018, had the opportunity to engage inContinue reading “TRACING YELLOW | The Swing & The Bench”

COLECTIVO INICIATIVA CIUDADANA – DIÁLOGO CIUDADANO | ep.66 identidad vs colonización cultural desde el arte urbano

Coach Renzo Cárdenas entrevista a Rodrigo Ghattas, máster en gestión del arte y espacio urbano, artista visual independiente, organizador de artes comunitarias, con raí­ces peruano-palestinas. Quien desde Noruega, en su práctica artí­stica, explora la inteligencia colectiva comunitaria, la escultura relacional, y las prácticas de cuidado-mutuo y atención multidireccional en el espacio público. Además, es co-fundadorContinue reading “COLECTIVO INICIATIVA CIUDADANA – DIÁLOGO CIUDADANO | ep.66 identidad vs colonización cultural desde el arte urbano”

RESOURCE DOCUMENT | on non-EU artists’ immigration, covid-19 & professional life

written by Rodrigo Ghattascommissioned by UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund) The economic implications by the Coronavirus outbreak has severely hit the already precarious situation of many artists in Norway, in particular non-European artists. Most exhibitions, projects, art residencies, and other artistic and cultural events have been cancelled. Leaving the artists with no source of income. ForContinue reading “RESOURCE DOCUMENT | on non-EU artists’ immigration, covid-19 & professional life”

MACHAQMARA | Civic Art House

We are working hard to ensure that Peruvian artists continue to thrive and work in the aftermath of a world’s pandemic that has placed us all at a crossroad. Machaqmara Civic Art House proposes the first social housing project for artists in the country, located in Punta Negra district in Lima. Artists, like everyone else,Continue reading “MACHAQMARA | Civic Art House”

THE UNION | open call

The Union is offering an artist-in-residence program Hjemmefra/low-residency for Norway-based visual artists working or wanting to stop working in various creative fields to stay at home and to engage in non-creation, non-production, non-thematic and non-research residency activities. The residency will offer an intimate space for reflection at the intersection of art and life practices.   TheContinue reading “THE UNION | open call”

READING TIME | here we come and we don’t care mucho

Here we come and we don’t care mucho, it seems to be a good phrase to describe the internal force that drives the society in which we live nowadays; every time I get on the bus, walking the streets or a good song randomly plays from my Spotify playlist, I force myself to take aContinue reading “READING TIME | here we come and we don’t care mucho”

READING TIME | inaction? thinking the world theoretically

Based on Chantal Mouffe book Agonistics, Thinking the World Politically, 2013   Left or right, neo-liberal, liberal, democrat, capitalist, totalitarian, etc.; we seem to carry a bag full of concepts and definitions to refer to the different political and economic models in a society. We spend a lot of time of our lives talking toContinue reading “READING TIME | inaction? thinking the world theoretically”

READING TIME | is private space disappearing?

Based on Slavoj Žižek´s book Event : A Philosophical Journey Through a Concept, 2014 (…)Then, by direct consequence, my individuality is also disappearing. Thus, if that happens it means that public space will become a private space. The privatization of public space would mark the start of a gargoyle relationship between humans…That is just ourContinue reading “READING TIME | is private space disappearing?”

READING TIME | between the black box and the white cube

Based on Andrew V. Uroskie’s book Between the Black Box and the White Cube, 2014 Introduction – From Medium to SiteThe expanded cinema is an outlet, a vertex of infinite possibilities that allowed the artist to shed the unilateral relationship between what was shown on the screen and the passive experience of the audience. SheddingContinue reading “READING TIME | between the black box and the white cube”

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