KEEPERS OF CULTURE | talk series

Gatherings with/by/for Granavollen’s women-run volunteer art network Over the course of 22 gatherings in 2021, a group of six women volunteers, a handful of collaborators, and an artist will gather biweekly to reflect on the core issues of the history and influence of women-run volunteer art networks in rural Norway. We initiate informal discussions onContinue reading “KEEPERS OF CULTURE | talk series”

READING TIME | in conversation with Svein Bjørkås

If I recall correctly, I was sitting in the dining room of the Clarion Hotel The Edge during the second day of the KORO conference Offentlig kunst og byutvikling in Tromsø¸. I remember I was feeling heavy, I couldn’t manage to revive my body at any point that morning. I put some fish and saladContinue reading “READING TIME | in conversation with Svein Bjørkås”

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