‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta

please use arrows for image slider El Buen Vivirâ at Hvervenbukta   by Rodrigo Ghattas & Andrea Fritsvold 12-18 July 2021 Organized by Vibeke Frost Andersen   The title of our one-week biopolitical intervention in Oslo Kommune’s pavilion at Hvervenbukta Beach (in Holmlia neighborhood) is Slutten på velferdsstaten nærmer seg…er vi klare for ‘El BuenContinue reading “‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta”

RESOURCE DOCUMENT | on non-EU artists’ immigration, covid-19 & professional life

written by Rodrigo Ghattascommissioned by UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund) The economic implications by the Coronavirus outbreak has severely hit the already precarious situation of many artists in Norway, in particular non-European artists. Most exhibitions, projects, art residencies, and other artistic and cultural events have been cancelled. Leaving the artists with no source of income. ForContinue reading “RESOURCE DOCUMENT | on non-EU artists’ immigration, covid-19 & professional life”

VERDENSROMMET : SIGN THE PETITION | support non-eu artists in Norway

We, artists, art students, and cultural workers from non-EU/EEA countries, currently living and working in Norway, ask for your support as we demand that the Norwegian government ensures our safety and survival through the COVID-19 pandemic.   We are specialized workers with temporary residence permits, from jobseeker visas to research and self-employment visas. While COVID-19Continue reading “VERDENSROMMET : SIGN THE PETITION | support non-eu artists in Norway”

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