READING + EVENT | On ‘restivism’

On restivism [activism+rest] Restivism is a critical attitude and an ever-evolving practice to effect positive change without compromising our mental and physical health in the process. It is both about self-care and collective care, emphasizing the importance of individual wellbeing as key to sustaining communal organizing and social networks. Restivism is a form of resistanceContinue reading “READING + EVENT | On ‘restivism’”

‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta

please use arrows for image slider El Buen Vivirâ at Hvervenbukta   by Rodrigo Ghattas & Andrea Fritsvold 12-18 July 2021 Organized by Vibeke Frost Andersen   The title of our one-week biopolitical intervention in Oslo Kommune’s pavilion at Hvervenbukta Beach (in Holmlia neighborhood) is Slutten på velferdsstaten nærmer seg…er vi klare for ‘El BuenContinue reading “‘EL BUEN VIVIR’ | Hvervenbukta”

KEEPERS OF CULTURE | talk series

Gatherings with/by/for Granavollen’s women-run volunteer art network Over the course of 22 gatherings in 2021, a group of six women volunteers, a handful of collaborators, and an artist will gather biweekly to reflect on the core issues of the history and influence of women-run volunteer art networks in rural Norway. We initiate informal discussions onContinue reading “KEEPERS OF CULTURE | talk series”

ECHO-SWING | prelude

Echo-swing | Prelude encompasses the first stage of a two-year artistic research project; a series of talks/gatherings in 2021 and a group of three swing-sculptures in Granavollen public spaces. The swings are preceded by efforts on research, community engagement, community design workshops, and a series of academic events on the history and influence of women-runContinue reading “ECHO-SWING | prelude”

CARE DAY | Ecology of Care

please use arrows for image slider Care Day is a continuation of an intimate practice-based research started as a part of Culture for Solidarity in June 2020 by Ecology of Care (Sofia Cartuccia, Djuro Grdinic, Lina Issa and myself). Back then, we built a collective methodology that now serves as a ground for further exploration on current social urgenciesContinue reading “CARE DAY | Ecology of Care”

TRACING YELLOW | The Swing & The Bench

The Swing & The Bench is an art intervention, more precisely, a documentation event. A final experiential setting to revisit, one-on-one, three projects (the Tracing Yellow series) previously developed in the city of Oslo. The audience attending the MFA Grad Show at KHiO (Oslo National Academy of the Arts) in 2018, had the opportunity to engage inContinue reading “TRACING YELLOW | The Swing & The Bench”

MACHAQMARA | Civic Art House

We are working hard to ensure that Peruvian artists continue to thrive and work in the aftermath of a world’s pandemic that has placed us all at a crossroad. Machaqmara Civic Art House proposes the first social housing project for artists in the country, located in Punta Negra district in Lima. Artists, like everyone else,Continue reading “MACHAQMARA | Civic Art House”

THE INSTITUTE OF THE UNEXPECTED | something might happen

#1: “Something might happen – Maria Sundby. Friday 26th April, 16:00 – 19:00What if we were to design new ways of interacting and expressing ourselves in public space?   Something might happen is an interactive performance designed by The Institute of the Unexpected’s first guest artist Maria Sundby. The performance invites you to dive intoContinue reading “THE INSTITUTE OF THE UNEXPECTED | something might happen”


#2: “We-Play – Angela Halvorsen Bogo. Sunday 12th May, 12:00 – 15:00The Institute of the Unexpected is happy to host We-Play in Oslo as the #2 workshop in the series. After events in Amsterdam, Berlin, Ghent, and Copenhagen, We-Play will allow you to experience the city in a new and fresh way. Through play andContinue reading “THE INSTITUTE OF THE UNEXPECTED | we play”


#3: feeling the city – Olive Bieringa and Otto Ramstad (BodyCartography Project). Saturday 15th June, 13:00 – 16:00 Feeling the city is the third workshop in the series of The Institute of the Unexpected. In this workshop, Olive and Otto invite participants to enter their animal-like appetites and childlike curiosities for physical investigation through engagementContinue reading “THE INSTITUTE OF THE UNEXPECTED | feeling the city”

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