RESOURCE DOCUMENT | on non-EU artists’ immigration, covid-19 & professional life

written by Rodrigo Ghattas
commissioned by UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund)

The economic implications by the Coronavirus outbreak has severely hit the already precarious situation of many artists in Norway, in particular non-European artists. Most exhibitions, projects, art residencies, and other artistic and cultural events have been cancelled. Leaving the artists with no source of income. For many, within this minority, it means a great deal of uncertainty when trying to face the challenges and struggles triggered by the Coronavirus. On top of their already well-known UDI immigration entanglements.

What it means, in everyday life, for artists is the impossibility to make any money out of their self-employed labor nor to be able to find an institutional job in the field to support themselves. Topped with zero financial allowance from NAV or any other social service agencies. If the government does not start implementing real solutions (mainly, financial social support) for these individuals, as soon as possible, it will doom them to a future life with no resources. Making the breach bigger between sectors of society and severely damaging the cultural production of this group of artists. When most won’t have any financial resources to pay for rent, food, artistic production costs, studio rent, and other basic needs for artists.


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