THE INSTITUTE OF THE UNEXPECTED | something might happen

#1: “Something might happen Maria Sundby. Friday 26th April, 16:00 – 19:00
What if we were to design new ways of interacting and expressing ourselves in public space?


Something might happen is an interactive performance designed by The Institute of the Unexpected’s first guest artist Maria Sundby. The performance invites you to dive into a close observation of everyday gestures in the city. Through this observation, we will be co-producing and exploring a myriad of ways of performing simple gestures in the encounter with the Other, the ‘stranger’, with whom we share public space in different unexpected instances of our daily life.


Objects also play an important role in the way we behave and interact with our environment. Along with our observation games, we will make use of simple props, objects, in fact, ‘misplaced’ objects in the city. What if we twist their function and dislocated them? Thus, these props become the starting point with which to explore an unusual perspective of our own bodily experiences.


What is ‘that’ which the unforeseen can reveal? Playfulness, liveliness, curiosity, memory, a feeling, perhaps are an opportunity to get rid of our default (re)actions and to navigate the space in a ‘fresh’ way?


Maria Sundby is a self-taught artist and dancer from Trondheim. She attended the English dance company Dance for Disabled Children as a dancer and instructor. She continued to work as a play writer and choreographer for youth- and children’s theatre. She holds a degree in Culture and Communication and immersed in social sciences; studying body language and unspoken communication.

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