READING TIME | in conversation with Svein Bjørkås

If I recall correctly, I was sitting in the dining room of the Clarion Hotel The Edge during the second day of the KORO conference Offentlig kunst og byutvikling in Tromsø¸. I remember I was feeling heavy, I couldn’t manage to revive my body at any point that morning. I put some fish and salad on my bowl, my body asked for something fresh especially after such an “overdose” of alcohol the day before.

I was about to start eating, I was terribly hungry when suddenly a tall, very friendly man in his sixties sits in front of me. He smiled. In my head, I had only one thought “please don’t be a super boring politician guy”. I really didn’t feel like talking to anyone [I spaced out for a minute] okay, to continue with the story, that gentleman introduced himself, my name is Svein Bjørkås, he said. Until that moment, I didn’t have the slightest idea of who he was. Soon later, I realized he was the Director of KORO, the Norwegian agency for public art, and…

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